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Did you know Jesus wasn’t the only first century man attributed with performing miracles?

February 21, 2019

Vespasian was Emperor of Rome from 69-79 AD.  In 69, after being declared Emperor by the Roman Legions in Egypt, Vespasian saw two men, one blind and the other lame. According to reports, the blind man was able to see after Vespasian spat on his eyes and the lame man was able to walk after Vespasian touched him with his heel. The deity who supposedly gave Vespasian these powers was Serapis, a god popular in Alexandria. These miracles only served to cement his position as Emperor among the Egyptians. 

While Vespasian was in Egypt his troops defeated the occupant of the throne, Vitellius, and the Roman Senate declared him Emperor.

Vespasian was the fourth Emperor in the Year of the Four Emperors (civil war was responsible for the rapid changes) and his reign last until his death. His reign was the first in the Flavian Dynasty, which includes his two sons Titus and Domitian, and was the first time a Roman Emperor was directly succeeded by his son. 

Construction of the Colosseum began during Vespasian’s reign.

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