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Did you know a warrior queen led British Celtic tribes against the Roman Empire?

February 28, 2019

Boudica was a queen of a tribe called the Iceni on the island of Great Britain. Her husband ruled as an ally of Rome but when he died the Roman Empire took his kingdom instead of allowing it to be passed on to his daughters. 

Boudica chose to revolt. Her forces sacked three Roman settlements, one of them modern-day London, killing over 70,000 people. The Roman governor was able to stop the revolt but not before Emperor Nero was forced to consider withdrawing all Roman forces from the island. 

Roman Senator/Historian Tacitus reports that Boudica poisoned herself to avoid capture.

Boudica became a folk-hero, revered for her rebellion. In 1902 a statue of Boudica was erected in London, next to Westminster Bridge and the Houses of Parliament. Ironic, considering London is one of the cities sacked during her revolt.

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