The Process Communication Model (PCM) was developed by the psychologist Dr. Taibi Kahler in 1972. The model states that each and every person has six types of personality: Thinker, Persister, Harmoniser, Rebel, Imaginer, and Promoter. The key to this model is that people possess each of these traits in varying amounts, the combination of which drives their behaviors and reactions to distress. An individual will have one dominant personality type but it is possible to go through phases of time when another is the primary.
NASA, in an attempt to bring together teams of astronauts who would be able to work in harmony in close quarters, determined which personality type their candidate’s would display while under stress and used this information to create compatible teams. They tended to prefer Persisters and Thinkers and stayed away from playfulness (Rebel), shyness (Dreamer), persuasiveness (Promoter), and sensitivity (Reactor).
Bill Clinton is said to have the PCM in order to improve the quality of his communication and to increase his ability to negotiate.