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Blog of Latino author

Marcos Antonio Hernandez

Where Latin American author Marcos Antonio Hernandez turns the news into story ideas

July 2, 2020
Bidding for a mansion started at $1.

A gothic mansion in Scotland went up on the auction block, and bidding started at $1. Even though the bid is now into the six figures, this seems VERY reasonable for a mansion. It might be because I just watched “Knives Out” (highly recommended), but how cool would it be to have this kick off the […]

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June 30, 2020
A giant dust plume crosses the Atlantic.

Dust from the Sahara crossed the ocean and landed in the southeast United States. The most massive dust storm to cross the Atlantic, it’s effects are projected as far inland as Ohio. The dust will reduce visibility, lower air quality, and hazy skies. The benefits? With more particles in the air, sunrises and sunsets will be […]

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June 25, 2020
Scientists keep hibernating mice alive for a week.

Researchers in Japan have been able to keep the mice asleep AND lower the mice’s metabolic processes for a week. After the experiment, the mice woke up alive and well. Could humans be next? Turning this into a story about space travel would be a layup since long-distance interstellar travel would require hibernation or humans to […]

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June 23, 2020
Florida bars and restaurants have to close a week after reopening.

Florida Bars and restaurants recently reopened after being closed for months; now, some have closed again because of spikes in positive COVID-19 tests. If you spend any time on social media or watching the news, it’s not uncommon to see crowds of people pretending the pandemic is in the rearview mirror. This attitude has led to increased […]

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June 18, 2020
Picture-taking satellites now fly closer to Earth.

A company called Planet uses over 140 satellites to take daily pictures of Earth. Now, some of these are flying 50 km/31 miles closer to the Earth’s surface. This new satellite trajectory allows the company to supply customers with higher-quality images more frequently. The satellites the company uses are the size of a toaster oven, and Elon […]

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June 16, 2020
The Yellowstone supervolcano could kill up to 5 billion people.

According to a geologist in Poland, if the supervolcano beneath Yellowstone National Park erupted, the effects would lead to the death of up to five billion people. The eruption would cover most of North America with debris and ash a meter deep. The massive amount of particles in the air would cool the climate of the entire […]

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June 11, 2020
Scientists have found the gene responsible for causing eyeballs to wither.

Scientists from the University of Maryland are studying what makes the Mexican Cavefish exist both with and without eyes. Whether they have eyes or not depends on their environment. Cavefish, having grown up in darkness, end up with withered eyes covered by skin and connective tissue. They've narrowed it down to the single gene responsible, and have […]

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June 9, 2020
Coronavirus hits men harder.

Researchers around the world are finding that men are being sickened by COVID-19 at a higher rate than women. Reports out of Italy showed that 82% of ICU patients were men between February and March. These levels are more than just chance, and this article tries to unravel the reasons why. (Hint: male sex hormones) Also in […]

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June 4, 2020
Louisiana could be underwater in fifty years.

A study out of Tulane found that the current rate of rising sea levels could lead to submerged coastal wetlands in Louisiana. New Orleans would be partially affected by the rising water but, more importantly, they would be exposed to more frequent and intense storms. This would be a FANTASTIC world for a story to occupy. […]

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June 2, 2020
Flavors can be created without food.

Researchers in Japan have created a synthesizer that creates different flavors on the tongue using gels. These 5 gels are made from agar gum, each one responsible for creating one of the five flavors humans experience: sweet, acidic, salty, bitter, and umami. By creating a closed circuit with the tongue, different combinations of flavors can be created. […]

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