The contact lens was developed by scientists at the University of California San Diego. Double blinks control the level of zoom.
It works like this: the polymers which make up the lens change their shape when an electric current is applied. Electrodes around the eye detect when users blink, expanding of contracting the polymers, which makes the lens more concave or convex. This changing shape is what causes the lens to zoom in and out.
From the paper: “The system developed in the current study has the potential to be used in visual prostheses, adjustable glasses, and remotely operated robotics in the future.”
This is straight out of science fiction and a large reason why I read articles about current technology. A large part of my writing consists of the potential implications new technology might have on relationships among individuals and the powers which control their distribution. If this level of tech is already possible it inspires me to wonder what kinds of situations might exist in the future and what ethical boundaries might be blurred by users both good and bad.