Quantum dots are tiny semiconductors a few nanometers wide. They can be used to transport electrons when exposed to solar energy.
These dots are so small they can be printed on flexible sheets without breakage risk, unlike solar panel technology. These sheets could be applied to windows, cars, even cell phones, to power electrical devices.
The technology already existed but a lab at the University of Queensland broke the efficiency record, bringing the technology one step closer to commercial viability.
One benefit of the quantum dot over traditional cells is the ability for them to work in less than ideal conditions, on cloudy days and under indoor lighting.
How could this be applied to a story? Well, most advanced technology and societies in science fiction have all manner of smart devices, powered by AI. Think programmable clothes that change color and displays on clear windows. Well, all the energy used to power these devices has to come from somewhere, and it would be best if it could be generated at all places at once, in addition to traditional large-scale methods.
An interesting society could be one that places a premium on energy production. With a limit on how much energy a person could use from the grid, they would be forced to produce their own. People could be forced to go outside in order to harvest. Similar to farming but it could just be to take a walk.
And what happens when one person is born with a small electric charge, that the quantum dots can use to power her devices? The story could take place when a solar event knocks out traditional energy acquisition technology and this person could rise up, similar to a Godfather type role, and her arc could follow a similar trajectory: well-intentioned at first, leader of a powerful organization, then accepting the lifestyle, fallout, and trappings of power.