In a tale familiar to many indigenous populations, the Argentinian government has denied the Mapuche people the rights to their land after finding the area rich in natural gas. They believe the area’s natural resources will help kickstart their struggling economy.
Hundreds of fracking wells have been in operation on a plateau where the Mapuche have grazed their livestocks for generations.
The Mapuche had to deal with discrimination for their heritage before the natural gas was discovered, but now that they have a potential claim to the land their status isn’t recognized.
The Mapuche claim the oil companies contaminated their water, resulting in their livestock being born with deformities.This would be a great backstory for a villian, maybe a terrorist responsible for striking back against the capitalist machine. A remake of Robin Hood comes to mind, a lawless version in a dystopian future where the anti-hero is responsible for a measured level of chaos. Thinking about it, there could be another, more evil character, someone who used to be best friends with the protag, and his more radical approach causes the hero to fight for equality, not just revenge. This would be a perfect story to end as a tragedy.