A cheetah subspecies, the Asiatic cheetah, once lived throughout southwest Asia but now only lives in desolate parts of Iran. It’s thought roughly 50 individuals are still alive.
The largest difference between the Asiatic cheetah and their African counterparts is the length of their fur; the Asiatic subspecies has a shorter coat and mane.
Iranian conservationists have been in the news for their efforts to study these endangered cheetahs. Not because of their succes, but because they are facing execution for spying.
They set camera traps throughout the wilderness, looking for cheetahs. They worked with the government to ensure they got the right permits but their efforts drew the attention of a branch of Iran’s armed forces. They were arrested for espionage and accused of collecting military information.
One of the nine researchers has already died. His death was claimed to be a suicide but this isn’t believed by his family.
The detention of the scientists, in custody for almost two years, has received the attention of scientist around the world. Authorities have ignored the outpouring of support.
With any luck, the researchers will be released so they can continue their work trying to save this last Asiatic cheetah puddle before it dries up.