Scientists from the University of Maryland are studying what makes the Mexican Cavefish exist both with and without eyes. Whether they have eyes or not depends on their environment. Cavefish, having grown up in darkness, end up with withered eyes covered by skin and connective tissue.
They've narrowed it down to the single gene responsible, and have found this same gene is also present in humans. Humans who have mutations in the responsible gene suffer from a condition called homocystinuria, which causes defective vision and can be potentially fatal. The scientists hope their research could provide a cure in the future.
Put succinctly, the same species of fish can have a mutated gene depending on where it grew up.
What if humans were the same way? In a dystopian future, where humans live in bunkers, what if their eyes failed to develop. If they had the mutation in this gene, what would be the result of their skin and connective tissue growing over their eyes?
Part of the world could be navigating what would attract potential reproductive partners. Does the opposite sex want the eyes, or would they prefer blind humans because of the over-development of other senses?
The story itself could be almost like a Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick, blind but possessing superior strength and fighting ability. The exploits of the main character could be against other cave-dwelling societies or surface-dwellers.
Now that I think about it, he should be an outcast because his eye sockets have grown over with skin. But his abilities make the world a better place for young people who have the same condition. Multiple book series, dystopian/genetic engineering, action thriller.